Nothing's EVER Final5/16/2023 One of the things I say often when someone asks me if I'm done with a project is, "Nothing's ever final until it's published." And even then, pretty much everything is subject to change. I still find typos in books I published years ago. Sometimes, I go through the hassle of republishing to fix them, but mostly I don't. I'm human. I'm not perfect. Sorry if you happen upon one of those mistakes. I do try my best to eliminate them before publication. One thing that has the annoying habit of frequency for this perfectionist, though, is the evolution of my artwork over the course of writing a book.
Playing Favorites5/5/2023 We're not supposed to embrace favoritism, right? It's frowned upon in most corners of society, seen as exclusive, and can even be considered a type of discrimination. But it's also intrinsic to human nature to have favorites and prioritize the things we favor. We are selfish creatures, after all, and nothing satisfies quite like good, old-fashioned indulgence. In the spirit of such gluttony, let's press on for a feast of artwork.
Art Imitates Life Imitates Art4/5/2023 Wow. It's been a busy couple of months. I've been working on Galactic Explorers #3 (halfway written now!) and finished my new standalone novel Triton's Destiny. That one will be the next one published this spring. I really can't believe it's April already. A lot has happened this year and there's still much more to come.
Write What You Know2/10/2023 One of the pieces of advice that most writers hear at some point is to write what you know. A long time ago, I thought it wasn't very helpful. I mean, what, exactly, do I know? I used to think if I wrote only what I knew, I'd never come up with any interesting stories. It was years later when I realized I could inject my life experiences into the stories my imagination invented to create characters and situations that were interesting and meaningful.
One Woman Show1/9/2023 Welcome to 2023, everyone! I like to think that the start of a new year is a chance to step back from the holiday insanity, calm down, and reset. And it is, mostly. But it also means that I dive headfirst into my projects and get things churning right along. I'm always happiest when I'm creating, so my new year had been productive already.
End of Year Goodies12/15/2022 Well, here it is again. The end of another year. No matter what's going on in any given year, the end of it always manages to sneak up on me, and this one is no different. All things considered, 2022 hasn't been that bad (certainly better than the last couple years), and 2023 already has some good things in store. If anyone's waiting on new books from me, then you'll get at least two in 2023, maybe three. One of those is coming very soon.
'Tis the Season11/27/2022 Thanksgiving is over and now it's all Christmas, all the time! Although, let's be honest... some places started the Christmas stuff in August... As for me, the house is decorated, the tree is up, and Christmas Cogs has been updated.
Thankful11/11/2022 Yes, I'm very well aware that it's Veteran's Day today and not yet Thanksgiving, but turkey day will be here before I'm ready for it, so I'm going to post this now while it's fresh.
Free Stuff on Wattpad11/1/2022 In redesigning my site, I remembered that I have several short stories that aren't quite suitable for the Free Reads page. So, I've decided to put them up on Wattpad for people to enjoy. I posted the first chapter of Forbidden today and will upload subsequent chapters weekly until it's complete.
You've heard the phrase, 'not my circus, not my monkeys'? Well, this is definitely my circus and I wrangle all the monkeys here. In my ever-expanding universe of demanding performers, I may be the ringmaster, but it's the sarcastic simians who run the show. I don't even pretend to know what's going on.
AuthorLeah Ross is a writer and graphic designer with a penchant for loud music and sappy love stories. She believes that love should be both unconventional and unconditional, rules are negotiable, and age is nothing but a number. Archives
October 2024