Halloween Greetings!10/31/2024 Happy Halloween, everyone! Here we are, at the end of October again already. Mother Nature finally allowed autumn to arrive in Colorado and the weather feels like it should, rather than eternal summer. Don't get me wrong, I like things about all the seasons (and I live someplace where I'm lucky enough to get all four of them), but fall is my absolute favorite. Time to break out the cozy sweaters and hot cocoa! Yay! And in the spirit of Halloween, I've brought you all a treat.
The Sands of Time8/26/2024 OMG... I feel like I've been working on this book forever. Maybe that's because this is a truly epic-length story. Seriously. This is my 25th book, and the length is second only to The Warrior King, the final installment of the Knights of Sehaann series. I remember telling my family about the beginning of Rasalas at Christmas last year, and now here it is, published and released for your enjoyment. My sister always tells me I write too fast for her to keep up with my books, but it doesn't feel that way most of the time. Especially when I see in my vendor dashboards that Nashira, book three of Galactic Explorers, was released almost exactly a year ago. Well, here's book four. If you like lengthy reads, this one's for you.
Lost in Space8/11/2024 Yeah, so... I'm still here. Pay no attention to the fact that my last post was six months ago. I'm probably the only one who notices anyway. But... Life, man. Busy with work, seeing a bit of the world, enjoying some live music, and oh yeah--finishing a book. As you can see by the site updates, Rasalas, book four of the Galactic Explorers series, is going through final edits and will be published very soon. I'll share plot-specific artwork and all the info with the official release post, as I always do, but I wanted to post up something fun for now. Just because it's my site, my blog, and I want to. The world needs a little more brightness and color.
East Meets West Meets Angst2/12/2024 Not a lot of people who know me in real life know I write books. Far more of them know I create digital art, but I've actually been writing for longer than I've been using a computer to make pretty pictures. It's so incredibly satisfying to be able to do both now and illustrate my stories with the visions I get in my head as I write the words. My family occasionally asks me how my books are doing and if I'm still writing. And while I smile and answer the questions as I inwardly lament the fact that they seem to forget my website exists, I remind myself every time that it doesn't matter. The stories and characters are in my head anyway and I write them because I have to. I don't have to share them with the world but I do, just in case someone else might enjoy them. Creativity is a need for me, a way to feed my soul and manifest happiness. Releasing my creations is like putting little pieces of myself out in the cosmos for others to discover. It's accomplishing something, sharing my art with the universe. For anyone out there who might read this... Thanks. Just like Tsubasa up there, it makes me happy to think my art might connect with others' emotions and allow us to share something special. I create because I love it, and that's what keeps me going. And for my next labor of angst...
New Year, New Adventures1/30/2024 Wow. Almost February already. Welcome to 2024, everyone! I didn't want to let January pass me by without posting something, so I figured this would be a great time to share some relevant backstory to my next release, which is coming in a couple weeks. So, let's jump right in!
Happiest Holidays12/15/2023 Happy holidays, everyone! I hope you're all enjoying the season, indulging in your favorite traditions, and taking some time to relax, refresh, and take care of yourselves. The end of the year is a time to reflect on what happened over the past months, but it's also an opportunity to look forward to a fresh start in the new year. As usual, I've already started looking ahead, and 2024 has some good stuff already!
Holiday Traditions11/1/2023 Welcome to November! Yesterday was about all things spooky and now we've fallen straight into the holiday season. Christmas ads have started popping up everywhere, and it seems like every coffee chain is hyping their seasonal menu today. And while pumpkin- and peppermint-flavored food items are certainly part of my holiday indulgences, there are many other traditions my family and I have cultivated over several years.
A Clash of Seasons10/24/2023 I love this time of year. For one thing, autumn is my favorite season. For another, it's this wonderful clashing of seasons and holidays when no one seems to know where to focus their attention and Halloween decorations compete for retail space with all things Christmas. To celebrate that whirlwind of seasonal chaos, I'm doing my part to blur the lines too.
Just Keep Exploring8/31/2023 So, here we are at the last day of August. The feel of autumn is in the air (even as summer refuses to relent with mid-90s temps in Colorado this week). Pumpkin spice everything is starting to show up everywhere. And Costco has both Halloween and Christmas decorations in store. We're heading downhill into my favorite season. What better time to release a new book?
Looking to the Future6/26/2023 Today's post is a fun one for me to share. It's all about the projects I still have coming this year. And the most fun part about it is that I already have artwork for all of them. So, if you're wondering what I've got up my sleeve for the second half of 2023, read on for a sneak peek and some pretty conceptuals.
AuthorLeah Ross is a writer and graphic designer with a penchant for loud music and sappy love stories. She believes that love should be both unconventional and unconditional, rules are negotiable, and age is nothing but a number. Archives
October 2024